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magic mushroom uk

It’s magic mushroom uk season in the northern hemisphere. And that means that the green and pleasant fields and forests of the UK are littered with fungi – some of it of the psychedelic variety
But, it’s not wise to start picking and eating wild mushrooms if you’re not exactly sure what they are. This is because, while some can open the doors of perception, others can close the doors of life (as in kill you).
Which is why I thought it would be handy to put together this handy little guide to identifying a few wild magic mushrooms in the UK. While this list only covers five species, there are many more.

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Happy foraging! 

Psilocybe semilanceata (Liberty Cap)

Known in the UK as Liberty Caps, or simply Libs, psilocybe semilanceata is the most well-known and common magic mushroom found in the UK – and many other countries.
Standing 4-10cm tall, the mushroom has a distinct conical to bell-shaped cap that grows to about 2-2.5cm. It also has a small nipple-looking lump on the top of the cap. Liberty caps are a creamy yellow to brown and become quite pale when dried. 
They generally appear alone or in small clusters on rich soil in pastures, meadows and parkland. They don’t grow on cow or sheep dung, but are common in areas where livestock may roam.
You are most likely to find Liberty Caps in late summer and throughout autumn. 

Psilocybe cyanescens (Wavy Cap)

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Also known Wavy Caps, psilocybe cyanescens is a small but potent psychedelic mushroom. Its caps grow to about 1.5cm to 5cm across and are distinctly wavy. They are a caramel brown when fresh and get pale as they dry. 
Like many strong psychedelic mushrooms, they stain blue when damaged or bruised. This is thought to be due to the oxidation of psilocin, which is a psychedelic compound very similar to psilocybin. In fact, psilocybin converts to psilocin in our gut when we eat magic mushrooms. 
magic mushroom uk can appear in massive quantities, like when 100,000 of the wavy fellas were found growing alongside a English racetrack. The mushroom can be found on mulch or wood chips from October to February.

Psilocybe fimetaria

Psilocybe fimetaria is a widely distributed but not very common magic mushroom that grows in the UK. It can grow up to 9cm tall and has a small convex cap just a few centimeters in diameter. It’s pale red to brown in colour, and turns yellow when dried. 
These rare magic mushroom uk map in either small groups or singularly on horse or cow dung. They’re most likely to be found in grassy areas with rich soils from September to November.

Gymnopilus purpuratus

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Gymnopilus purpuratus grows all over the world, including in the UK. It has a rough, rust orange cap about 1.5cm to 6cm in diameter, with a brown red stem. 
A chemical analysis found that this species contains 0.34% psilocybin and 0.29% psilocin. It grows in clusters on dead wood, dung, and mulch across the UK.

magic mushroom uk map

More commonly known as the greenflush fibrecap, inocybe corydalina contains a small amount of psilocybin and is known to grow in British forests under deciduous trees and under conifers.
It grows up to 10cm tall and has a wide brown cap up to 5 cm in diameter. Look out for it in autumn. 

When to Collect Magic Mushrooms in the UK

One of the many brilliant things about mushrooms is the resilience that is afforded to them by their underground network of mycelium. This subterranean body (which truffles are part of) allows mushrooms to remain mostly dormant before shooting out of the ground in mere hours
Therefore, timing is very important when searching for magic mushrooms. 
Autumn is the best time for magic mushroom hunting in the UK. This is because most funghi love the wet, mild conditions in our countryside. The months of September to November are most productive for foraging. 
You’ll maximise your luck by going out the day after a night of light rain. You may even want  to check the same locations more than once as mushrooms can spring up overnight. 
Dry weather and cold are not conducive to hunting mushrooms. If it’s uncharacteristically hot there’s frost on the ground, don’t bother.

Where to buy magic mushroom uk

Magic mushrooms grow in all sorts of environments, but woodland, naturally fertilised meadows, and any large area of grass or fields all offer ideal conditions for various species
You shouldn’t have to go far to find some magic mushrooms in the UK. Local parks, common recreational areas, race tracks, woodland and country paths are all potential growing spots
Psilocybin mushrooms have commonly been found in London’s Hyde Park, Primrose Hill and Richmond Park.
If you need some tips for local spots where magic mushroom uk have been seen before, check out
magic mushshrooms

How to grow your own magic mushrooms in the UK

By far the safest and most reliable way to get your hands on magic mushrooms is to grow your own. 
Growing mushrooms is fun, rewarding and relatively straightforward to do. However, there are a few steps you need to take so read through
You can also buy magic mushroom grow kits in the UK, as well as spores of all loads of different species of psilocybin mushroom.

UK laws on buy magic mushroom uk

Any fungus that contains psilocin or psilocybin is controlled in the UK. Therefore, magic mushrooms are prohibited to be cultivated, possessed or sold under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.
Magic mushrooms are classed as Class A drugs in the UK, meaning the most severe punishment for possession is up to seven years and an unlimited fine. However, sentencing this harsh a sentence is extremely unlikely. 
In fact, if you were caught with a small amount for personal use – say up to 5 grams – you’d probably get away with a caution. 
It’s a different story if you get caught growing them, though. Technically, a life sentence is the maximum sentence for supply of any Class A drug, including magic mushrooms. In practice, however, longer sentences are only used for major traffickers, and rarely, if ever, for cases involving only mushrooms.

Psilocybin and mental health 

magic mushroom uk has shown promise as a highly effective antidepressant and is currently in trials for  depression, smoking addiction, PTSD and anorexia
magic mushshroom
It’s also proving to be very helpful in treating end-of-life anxiety by helping terminal patients come to terms with their impending death
Being one of the safest drugs, psilocybin is casting off its reputation as a wonky drug for hippies and drop outs and is now being recognised as a powerful medicine that will play an important role in the future of mankind’s mental wellbeing. 
I personally used magic mushrooms to help with creativity, confidence and inflammation. I usually microdose some home-grown shrooms once or twice a week.


It’s magic mushroom season in the UK. If you’re interested in gathering some naturally-occuring psilocybin down your local park, then now’s the time to get the wellies on and get out there
There are a few different types of magic mushroom uk, but the one you’re most likely to see are liberty caps
Always be very careful when picking and eating mushrooms, however. Don’t consume it if you’re not 100^% sure what it is. It’s best to have an experienced mycophile with you. Or use Shroom ID on reddit to get help identifying your shrooms.  

Mushroom Coffee

If you’re looking to benefit from legal mushrooms, check out this Super Nootropic Mushroom Coffee from Mushies.
Made with Lion’s Mane (good for brain and gut), cordyceps (energy), and chaga mushrooms (immunity), it provides a natural boost to brain and body


Unlock your mind with the power of buy magic mushroom uk

Whether you are looking for a great trip or to unlock the potential of your brain, we have the right shrooms for you. More people are turning to psilocybe cubensis, microdose psilocybin or magic mushrooms UK to help them become more creative, gain increased focus, and work or study harder. Let our experts help you buy the right products for you (medicinal mushroom dispensary or recreational purposes).

What is microdose mushrooms exactly?

It’s actually pretty simple – mushroom microdose is when you take a very low dose of psilocybin or psilocin, so low in fact that won’t feel any of the full-body effects but you will still unlock the potential of your mind.

Enjoy free expedited shipping!

All orders over £150 receive free expedited shipping (lowest free shipping minimum in UK). You can enjoy your mail-ordered shrooms knowing that you’ve just ordered your favorite products in the comfort of your home. Once we received your order, we will ship it to you, ensuring fast and secure delivery with a tracking number and 100% reliability.

Safe, secure, and absolutely discreet!

We understand the importance of your privacy which is why we ship all orders in discreet non-labeled packaging. Your products will be packaged to look like a regular mail order, with undetectable delivery and safe transaction data encrypting. We strive to uphold our impeccable reputation of being the best mushroom dispensary UK. We have over 5,000 glowing reviews from customers. If there’s ever anything wrong with your order, please let us know and we will do our best to solve the issue because your satisfaction is our #1 top priority.

Can I trust your site?

Yes! Our team will do everything in our power to ensure you are 100% satisfied with your experience of buying psilocybin online. We have over 5000 customer reviews and a near perfect 5-star rating on many review sites. Read our testimonials and see what our loyal customers say about us. We work hard to have a solid reputation and take great pride in it.

Is it safe to buy psilocybin mushrooms online in UK?

Yes! It’s far safer to buy shrooms online than it is to meet your “guy”. Our products are of the highest quality and are packed in discrete sealed packages. They are shipped according to the shipping couriers recommended best practices and tracked all the way to your home. Authorities can’t interfere with your mail because the Post Office Corporation Act stops them from getting warrants to seize mail, unless there’s a national security risk. To date, no one has been arrested or had any problems receiving psilocybin in the mail.

Is it safe to use shrooms?

While using hallucinogenic magic mushroom uk map do carry some small risk, we take every precaution to mitigate these risks by ensuring we find you the right product and dosage. Our knowledgeable experts are here to walk you through the process every step of the way so please contact us if you have any questions – we’re eager to help. Are you worried about having a bad trip? Bad trips are rare, but here’s how you can overcome a bad trip.

Are Magic Mushrooms becoming more Mainstream?

Absolutely – Denver and Oakland in the Unites States are two recent examples of cities that have legalized shrooms and we believe strongly that this wave of legalization will only continue, including UK where we have already legalized marijuana thanks to a greater understanding of its effects. Psychedelics became more mainstream when recent studies found shrooms to show promise in treating mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder, often where other treatments have failed.

What are the most common magic mushrooms?

Known in the UK as Liberty Caps. or Libs, psilocybe semilanceata is the most well-known and common magic mushroom found in the UK – and many other countries. Standing 4-10cm tall, the mushroom has a distinct conical to bell-shaped cap that grows to about 2-2.5cm. It also has a small nipple-looking lump on the top of the cap.

Can I buy magic mushroom uk?

We make it safe and easy to Buy psilocybin mushrooms online in UK Magic mushrooms (also called shrooms or mushrooms) are a type of mushroom that contains the drugs psilocybin or psilocin. These drugs cause hallucinations. Psilocybin powder can also come in capsule form . The most effective use of shrooms is through ingestion.

When do magic mushrooms grow in the UK?

Fruiting occurs from October to February. Psilocybe fimetaria is a magic mushroom uk known to grow in Great Britain. Its cap is 1.5cm to 3.5cm in diameter and is usually convex with translucent striations on the surface.

Where did buy magic mushroom uk originate?

The first documented case of Magic Mushrooms in the UK was in London’s Green Park in 1799 when a man who had been picking mushrooms for breakfast accidentally sent his entire family on a trip. It sounds hilarious on the surface, but could you imagine feeling those affects back in 1799?!

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